Page 61 - Niyog2021_US
P. 61

 assurance of having God as our pos- session . This provided the space for every individual where s/he can doubtlessly and courageously say “God is my refuge” .
In the times where the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting us collectively, there is a chance for some affected individuals to be ignored because of the sheer number . Even in such situa- tions, God remains the source of ref- uge personally to every individual so that they may run to Him to be safe .
God as the Source of Strength
The word used here for strength in Hebrew bible is va ‘oz which has the connotation of strength in fullness . In other words, ‘oz means strength in every aspect such as material, physi- cal, personal, social and political . This word is used primarily for God in Psalms . This word used here is often applied to denote one of the inherent attributes of God, when compared to human’s weakness .
Strengthening is in the very nature of God . When a person keeps away all the pride, recognizes his/her weak- ness, and has faith in God, He be- comes the source of strength . It is all about acknowledging God as superi- or . While the strength of human fails, God who has strength as His inher- ent quality gives it in abundance . This abundant strength which has God as its source helps us to live through the hardships and despair .
God as the Source of Help
The word used for help is ‘ezrah . This word is most often used in mili-
tary situations where people sought aid against the enemy . Whenever this word is used in the Bible, it suggests that without the helper, the one who is seeking help would die or vanish .
This word is most often used in the context of God helping His peo- ple . The psalmist in Psalm 46:1 ac- knowledges that only God is the source of help . Without God as our helper, human lives will fade away . A “very present help”, clearly shows that God is not absent in the troubles of those who make Him their refuge and strength . We sometimes cannot be a “very present help” for others because of limitations . Only God can possess- es omnipresence, and He alone is the source of help in our troubles .
As we have seen from the forego- ing discussion, just as God was the source of strength, refuge and an ever present help in various times of trou- ble for the Israelites, the same God is indeed our source for all the strength, refuge and help . This becomes even more real and practical in the pre- sent situation, where all the human attempts towards establishing nor- malcy in this pandemic scenario are proving rather unproductive . Since God is the source of refuge, strength and help, one thing which humans have to do is to acknowledge Him and call unto Him in these danger- ous, fragile and helpless situations for refuge . n

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