Page 70 - Niyog2021_US
P. 70

God Is an Emboldening Strength
by John George, Associate Director Administration, Bharat Susamachar Samiti
 Sam went walking to his house.
He had been touched by the message he had heard that evening. He began to ponder...
His life was evolving.
He had been chosen over several oth- ers in his team to head a very prestigious defence project his company had won.
As he keyed away on the laptop, he knew the importance of the project he was heading. He recalled with pride how he was picked up to lead this project and was thankful to the management for en- trusting him with this responsibility.
This was the digital age, the age of su- percomputing. Science had progressed. Sam’s knowledge of Artificial Intelli- gence gave him a sense of ‘mastery’. It was thrilling that he could command, he could create, he could make!
It was past 2 a.m. when he went to bed. The morning broke over the city, and the sun’s rays were a welcome change after the monsoons.
Sam had barely twenty-five minutes to freshen up to have his coffee and breakfast before he set off for the office. He could do with a light workout today. His calorie requirements were already measured, nothing could be better.
He and his team were working very hard for the past nine months. They were on target with the assignment and hardly under any pressure.
Security and warfare were of im- mense interest to Sam. The AI Arms Robot which his team was developing would be the first of its kind. The pres- entation date to the group of defence
experts, Government officials, and sci- entists were just around the corner. This new robot was lethal to the core – precise in its operation. It was capable of taking down individuals and masses of people in an instant.
Sam felt greatly satisfied as he was convinced that this could finally help fight evil, right at the point of its origin.
Sam paid a heavy price for this assign- ment. Because of the sensitivity of this assignment, the Government had put nu- merous restrictions and controls for his movements. He knew that he had lost his privacy. But he didn’t mind it as long as the result was going to be worth it. Like the joy of a mother on seeing the child after the birth pangs, he knew it would be a success.
The account of David in the Bible al- ways fascinated him. His strategic capa- bilities, his numerous wars and victories were subjects of study for Sam. How God raised David from a plain shepherd boy to a mighty warrior who brought down Goliath with just a sling and stone, and how he tackled the might of Philistines, Israel’s arch-enemy. How had he acquired this strength? Was it his training? Was it the iron weapons he had developed for his armies? How did he fight his battles? When he was on the run for many years in the wilderness, what was his refuge? He had so many enemies, so many troubles. Where did he find answers and solace in times of trouble?
Being an avid student of the Bible, Sam knew that undeniably the secret of David’s strength lay in his trust in God. His intimate relationship with God brought about unparalleled pro- tection and care in the face of mighty enemies. It was as if God himself was fighting his battles, that God kept him

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