Page 68 - Niyog2021_US
P. 68

Love Is a Safe Place of Shelter
by Nivedita Kureel, Master of Divinity Third Year
 In the quar- ry of life, in the frenzy,
all seems marred. The over- flowing streams of life have scorched up into tiny creeks, the sun is harsher than ever, life crueller, people less human. People lie, cheat, kill without mercy and rape brutally. Be- lievers throughout the globe are tortured. Havoc is in the headlines each day such daily events send chills of fear, rage, and helplessness down to our core. Lies are deconstructed, re- modelled, and painted in such a way that they appear to be the truth. Everyone wants good but for themselves. The victims crumble being thrown away by the judiciary, the government, by all spheres that promised to uphold people and their as- pirations. How is it that their wait for mercy degenerates into dilapidated mustiness? Their wailings are mocked at, they are dragged, beaten mer- cilessly, with their bodies being burnt and chopped into pieces to erase any and all evidence of their being.
Does truth speak on this earth? Do good people exist? Do they even carry a heart of caring within? Can I trust even my closest acquaintance? Will justice and assurance ever be served in this earth?
The shutdown brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic is harshly robbing millions of their bread and shelter . Little kids of migrant work- ers are forced to walk miles to their home lose their lives out of fatigue and hunger . Have you not been bro- ken seeing this? Whose heart does not wail at such a vicious sting of life? Will people ever be sensitive again? Will rapes ever stop? Our questions to life have hit a peak .
We feel as though we have been taken hostage to bloodshed, envy, tears, and everything agonizing and heart-wrenching . We feel like run- ning away from all this earthy an- guish and trauma . Sometimes we even wish to run away and never come back . Our wishful urges are for love and mercy and to witness kindness, and be comforted with tender words of love . Would that our dreams of the plight and tears of those discriminated against be un- derstood and addressed .
Where do we run to when all of life is ablaze, where personal and communal identities are at stake? We have many places and people to run from, not many to whom to run .
People of faith, amidst the most frightful calamities of life have

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