Page 73 - Niyog2021_US
P. 73

 Held Together In God’s Strength
by Ashish Masih, Bachelor of Divinity Fourth Year
 As hu- man beings
we all need social interac- tion in our daily lives. Ac- cording to accepted research, social connection can reduce our anxieties and depression, lead to higher self-esteem and greater empathy for oth- ers, and actually improve our immune system. Being con- nected with family, friends and co-workers nurtures our conduct and positive attitude towards other individuals in society. Feeling socially con- nected, especially in an in- creasingly isolated world, is more important than ever.
A year ago COVID-19 was first detected in December 2019 in Wu- han, China. This virus has now spread across the globe, and was officially named a pandemic by the World Health Organization. Millions of peo- ple have faced death and many more are affected by this deadly disease. To prevent the spread of COVID-19 World Health Organization has come up with a number of necessary pre- cautions, such as maintaining a safe distance from others. In this time of pandemic, staying away from our dear ones is not possible but it has become today’s sad reality. Many of the family members are not able to stay together and its quiet challenging for them to support and help one another.
In this seemingly hopeless situa- tion, the Bible gives us this assurance, that “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1). The words here are very emphat- ic in the Hebrew text. The first word, “shelter,” comes from a verb mean- ing to “flee,” or to take shelter in, and denotes a place to which one would flee in times of danger, as into a high tower or fortress. This word reminds us that God is our hiding place, even though as individuals we are isolated and separated by the pandemic. Hu- man beings do not have other places to take shelter and to keep themselves se- cure, but our God gives us a firm hope so that we may take shelter under His wings in times of our adversity.
God is here to provide enough strength to us in every situation. The word “strength” implies that God is the source of strength to those who are weak and defenseless; and that we may rely on His strength “as if ” it were our own. God knows that we are feeble and powerless, and He pours out his strength upon us. The Lord helps his people, and brings people out of diffi- cult times according to His own time. The Psalmist found God as His great help in trouble.
The word “trouble” covers all that can come upon us which gives us anxieties or sorrows. In every kind of situation that we may face in our lives, God is present with us. His assurance is enough for us to face every situa- tion. This pandemic may segregate us from our dear ones, but in our times of trouble God is holding us together un- der His wings. He is indeed our shelter and strength! n

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