Page 75 - Niyog2021_US
P. 75

Even after meeting the physiological and psychological needs, people still feel depressed and alienated . Satisfaction of these needs cannot make one joyful . That could be one of the reasons why even pop- ular and rich people commit suicide and ruin their lives . Once you attain all that you wanted what then drives you? What moti- vates you to further live? Your life becomes meaningful only when you know what you are made for, which is revealed when we get in touch with our Creator . Only the Creator knows the true potential and purpose of the His creation . Most people toil in the wheel of life, fulfilling worldly standards and yet postpone the real commission of their life .
I have heard some saying, “Let me get set- tled, then I will go for ministry” or, “I want to be on my own after which I will serve God” . Even though we know God we still want to go by the standard model of first being phys- iologically and psychologically stable then pursue the great purpose of our life . How is it even possible to separate our worldly and spiritual life? Our God is the master over all the areas of our lives .
Sometimes God may call us when we least expect, like how God asked Simon and Andrew (Mark 1:16,17) to follow him while they were fishing and promised them that He is to make them fishers of people . They would have had many doubts in their hearts, including “How can we fish for peo- ple?” But they trusted and followed the one who called them . They did not say, “Hey, we will come with you but let us first get set- tled with our basic needs .” Instead they left behind the very means for their living and followed Jesus .
Even if you are a student or you are a working professional, honor and worship Him in whatever you do . Be faithful in what God has assigned you and do it as if you are doing it unto God . “Whatsoever ye do, do it
heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men” Colossians 3:23 .
I am not denying the importance of our physiological and psychological needs, but rather to have our priorities in a right order . “Seek first His kingdom and His righteous- ness, and all these things will be added to you” Matthew 6:33 . I do urge that each of us is to give priority to God in every walk of life and ensure that we are walking in align- ment to the bigger plan of God where our efforts will bear fruit and not be in vain . So, for us to meet all our needs (small or big) and to lead a contented life throughout our lifespan is possible only when we surrender ourselves to our Creator . He is the bread of life, whoever comes to Him shall not hun- ger nor thirst; He is the good shepherd who gave himself for our salvation, loved us even to death and valued our lives more than His own physiological and psychological needs .
He is God, who is mindful of our needs and knows that we cannot survive without the essentials of food and water . He knows we need companionship and meaningful relationships that give us a feeling of be- longing . He knows your need to have self- worth (He created you in His own image, fearfully and wonderfully) . “Look at the birds of the air: They do not sow or reap or gather into barns and yet your heavenly Father feeds them . Are you not much more valuable than they?” (Matt . 6:26) .
So, whoever lives and trusts in Him can claim all these promises for their life . Our God is faithful, and He is a promise keeper . All we must do is to rely on Him for our needs . There is nothing impossible for God, and most importantly there is noth- ing apart from God . He is our REFUGE and STRENGTH! (Ps . 46:1) . n

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