Page 80 - Niyog2021_US
P. 80

A Christian Response Amidst Afflictions
by Sam Thomas, Master of Divinity Third Year
 Human- ity is going
through an exceptional life situation, which was hitherto unexperienced and we would never wish to recur in future. A small virus has brought the world to a standstill, chal- lenging human pride, all the technological and scientific achievements, making peo- ple puzzled with many ques- tions and scared of the situ- ation. Suffering is on the rise as humanity is threatened by plagues, storms, tornadoes, floods, locusts, and famine. Therefore, it is important to consider our response to this situation as children of God who believe in the one true God, the Almighty, the All- Knowing, the All-Wise and our Refuge – forever.
First of all, a child of God with strong convictions of faith in God needs to realize the plan of the Al- mighty behind every circumstanc- es. Nothing happens without the knowledge of God, the One who knows even the number of strands of our hair, and the One who so cares that even a bird will not fall
apart from His knowledge (Luke 12:7). God, the Creator and Sustain- er of the universe, is in control of the course of history according to His purpose and will.
In the context of Israel’s slavery and cry-for-life situation in Egypt, God comissioned Moses, hardened Pharaoh’s heart and sent plagues to show His sovereign power and to let the people know that He is the Lord (Exodus 10:2). Having said this, if we think that the children of God are also suffering, then we have no choice but to bow before the omniscience of the good God, who gives sun and rain on both the wicked and on the righteous. Then, it is the time to affirm that God has precise and clear plans for the situ- ations we are presently facing.
What people of God need to do is to recognize the times in which we live and prepare ourselves for an introspection. We are in a di- lemma. People who are living in the light of eternity have entered into a time which could be termed the ‘end times’, and this is both comforting and at the same time an admonition to every believer. We must be very careful to hold fast to the most holy faith that has been entrusted to the saints. While the coming of the Lord is a blessed hope, we are going through a pe- riod of apostasy.

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