Page 81 - Niyog2021_US
P. 81

The lack of church fellowship and companionship may be creat- ing many physical and psychological challenges among people, and it may persuade them to fall from faith. This is a time that tests the magnitude of our faith, and for us to prepare daily for the blessed hope of our salvation. Therefore, as children of God, we need to prepare ourselves to hold fast to our faith, without losing our hope in God and His Word. God is suffi- cient to keep us from the temptations of the world (Rev. 3:10) which tempts the inhabitants of the earth.
Subsequently, it is the duty of a child of God, a believer, to maintain proper fellowship with one another and concentrate more on prayer of faith that heals the sick. Our situa- tion demands us to bring our faith into actions, so that our fellow be- ings can experience the love of God.
Each of us must be prepared to recognize God’s purpose and plan, receive divine revelation, and ful- fill our God-given responsibilities. As Isaiah realized his own respon- sibility to address the community’s with whom he was living, (Isa. 6:5), each of us must first desire to pray and work for a divine intervention to take place in our own lives and the life of our community. Such in- terventions will surely result in the blessing and deliverance of the com- munity in which we live.
Our God is able to bring about a finer ending to this pandemic in India than we can imagine, and cause many to cry out to Him. He can bring out the best even from the very worst situations when we rely on the mercy of the Almighty God who makes the terrible situa- tions into promising ones.
So, we must understand the times in which we are, and realize that we are holding onto our holy faith in the midst of difficulties, and trusting in God, our Refuge – an ever-present stronghold.
May God help us to be zeal- ous every day upon awakening, to prepare ourselves to be a lamp for others, to understand our responsi- bility to our community, to be pre- pared at all times through prayer and supplications, to lead a holy life, and know that He is presiding over all of life’s situations. n

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