Page 6 - BWC Online Programs Booklet 2020
P. 6
Book Bundles
Online School Bookstore Creating a Unique Library of Your Own – Grades Pre-K to 12
A Unique Alternative to Onsite Book Fairs
What it is
What it is This grade-level reading program has been
Sponsored by school divisions and/or schools
especially designed for families so they
Online School Bookstores nurture a lifelong
may have access to a curated selection of
love for books, reading and learning.
the newest titles to encourage the practice
Children can receive great books and of regular reading within the home.
educational games right to their doorstep.
Children can create a customized
book bundle, from specially selected
Sponsored by school divisions and/or schools books, to read and enjoy.
Why Book Bundles?
Why Host an Online Bookstore?
• Provides access to the newest, latest and
• Allows schools and school divsions to greatest titles provides children with exciting
easily host, coordinate, and customize options at appropriate grade-levels.
their own year-round bookstore.
• Guides families and provides curated
• Schools can create their own recommended materials that can benefit their children.
reading, book drives, and teacher wish lists.
• Brings an equitable, timely and free choice
• Gives families the ability to purchase opportunity to bring books into homes.
online, any place, any time.
• Provide families a forum to participate
• Provides schools an opportunity to connect in a school-related activity and be more
their community on a common platform engaged in their children’s learning.
that reinforces the importance of regular
reading practices in the learning process. • Engages parents to browse and
discover books in a stress-free
• Designed so all children, with or without environment with their children.
technology and internet, may have an
equitable access to literary resources. • Affords schools a funding source
so they may support other literacy
• Earns proceeds from every sale. initiatives to benefit their community.
• Provides free shipping to home
on all orders over $30.
Increasing daily reading time by just
$ Since the stay-at-home measures began, 6 minutes can significantly improve
a struggling reader’s reading levels.
↑12% “sales in juvenile non-fiction education,
reference and language books” have increased
by 12% in the U.S. compared to last year. now&utm_medium=featured-article&utm_campaign=guide-to-reading-growth
Icon made by Freepik from 7
6 book-sales-rise
Icon made by Freepik from