Page 28 - JBAS Realty-Bernardon Proposal for Design Services (revised)
P. 28
Festival Pier Redevelopment
Owner/User: Jefferson Apartment Group
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Design Statement: Situated on the Delaware River in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the Festival Pier Redevelopment
is a waterfront development comprised of two mixed-
use structures, set in a nine acre public park, that frame a
pedestrian thoroughfare connecting Spring Garden Street to
the Delaware River. The new development is being created to
add density to the waterfront. Historically, the placement of
impact, the project team has worked closely with FEMA and the
Interstate 95 has separated Center City from the waterfront, Army Corp of Engineers to ensure that the project is constructed
thus limiting maritime recreation and tourism. In response, outside of the floodplain while also constructed in accordance
Bernardon has provided architecture and landscape with building and energy codes. Applying a thoughtful approach
architecture design services for the design of a 481-unit to the diverse environments that will be included along the river’s
residential community with indoor and outdoor private
edge, Bernardon’s landscape architecture team collaborated with
amenities, 50,000 SF of retail space, and parking spaces Groundswell Design Group, who provided the conceptual design
while also emphasizing open space, access to the Delaware and place making efforts.
River, and a sense of fluidity between the streetscape and
waterfront. To ensure sustainability and environmental
The Festival Pier Redevelopment is set to be completed in 2024.
BERNARDON | Response to Request for Proposal
JBAS Realty, LLC | New Multi-Use Development in Scranton, PA | May 25, 2022, revised July 8, 2022 Page 22