Page 8 - Bernardon Dwell Statement of Qualifications
P. 8

Park Square

            Owner/User: Bentley Homes and CornerstoneTracy, LLC
            Location: King of Prussia, Pennsylvania
            Design Statement:  Bernardon provided land  planning,
            architectural, interior design, and landscape architectural
            design services for this four-building, 314-unit residential
            development in King of Prussia Business Park.  This is the first
            large-scale rental community for the well-known residential
            developer, Bentley Homes.

            Situated in a suburban landscape, Park Square is designed to   dynamic and vibrant, and leave each visitor with a feeling of
            respond to the rolling hills and lush Heuser Park trail system   wholeness and well-being. The amenity areas contain a diverse
            to create a walkable community, complete with large exterior   mix of multi-use spaces for residents to socialize, collaborate,
            common spaces and organic resident growing gardens, while   and enjoy; and the varying textures, colors, and screens create
            responding to requests to create a tranquil private living   a circuitous feeling of a “room within a room.”  The living
            experience for the residents.                       areas seamlessly blur the lines between public and private
                                                                zones while still maintaining dynamic views and connections.
            The interior design concept engages clean lines, engrained
            functionality, and a compelling mix of materials that are all   Approximately 15,000 SF is dedicated to amenities, including
            interconnected. These connections make each space more   a café that is open to the public, fitness center, yoga studio,
                                                                collaboration areas, outdoor amenities spaces, and a plaza deck
                                                                with pool.

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