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Asia in general had enabled the expanding   and reformist teachings of Islam although   many local Sarekat Islam members   tolerant attitude as they did not oppose
 influence of Islamic reform ideas. The most   the advocates of Javanism were also   who had started to be sluggish over   it frontally.
 important example was al-Imam (1906-  Muslims. Because the reformers brought   the previous two years and it founded   The superstitions of the Javanism
 1908), a magazine published in Singapore.   the stream of thoughts that conflicted   an organization with the provocative   followers believed, for example, that
 The magazine’s editor was renowned   with the notions of Javanism, leading   name, “Tentara Kangjeng Nabi   people can be blessed with fortune or
 Minangkabau scholar and cousin of Sheikh   Javanism figures did not hesitate to   Muhammad” (Prophet Muhammad’d
 Ahmad Khatib al-Minangkabawi, i.e.   attack Islam through various means.   Army) in Surabaya, which subsequently   relieved from total disaster by making
 Sheikh Tahir Djalaluddin who had studied   At the time, Surakarta was the “center”   created branches in other cities. In   certain offerings at specific sacred
 in Mecca and then in Cairo for a long time.   of Javanism. For example, in early   Surakarta,the Kangjeng Prophet   places. Keramatan (sanctification)
 In Mecca, Sheikh Ahmad Khatib was a   1918, the newspaper Djawi Hisworo in   Muhammad’s Army was declared in   itself is a belief of Javanism. They also
 great Muslim scholar of Minangkabau   Surakarta published an article written   Tirnonadi attended by thousands of   believed that people could  become rich
 origin and he was the most important   by Djojodikoro about the Kejawen notion   Sarekat Islam members, officials of   by seeking the advice of a pesugihan
 teacher for those who sought knowledge   of God. The manager of the newspaper,   the Dutch colonial government and the   (enrichment) shaman and by meeting
 coming from Indonesia and Southeast Asia   Martodharsono, was actually a prominent   Palace, as well as the regional leaders   all the requirements he recommended.
 at the Haram Mosque. Moreover, because   member of the Sarekat Islam. However,   of both the local Sarekat Islam and the   The Muhammadiyah met this challenge
 of his famous piety, he was also appointed   many Sarekat Islam activists, especially   Central Sarekat Islam. Although the   by demonstrating that fortune was not
 the Haram Mosque’s Great Imam of the   in the Central Sarekat Islam (CSI)   organization was named an army, it was   the result of an enrichment fetish, but
 Shafi’i School. The writings in al-Imam   leadership in Surabaya, condemned   not clearly organized, and its inception   rather that it was determined by God’s
 were strongly influenced by Muhammad   the editor because Djojodikoro’s   had merely been inspired by the   will and the result of one’s obedience to
 Abduh and Rashid Rida and the magazine   article contained elements of “SARA”   Sarekat Islam, to make it more spirited   Allah. In Suara Muhammadiyah (Voice
 could be seen as the mouthpiece al-  [abbreviated form of Suku (ethnicity),   (Widyastuti, 2005). Although many   of Muhammadiyah) no. 2, year 1, 1915,
 Manarin Southeast Asia in general.   Agama (religion), Ras (human race), and   people suggested that the editor and the   K.H. Ahmad Dahlan explained the merits
 The publication of this magazine was   Antar Golongan (social groups) transl.]   author of the article should be brought   of salat sunnah (not obligatory prayers).
 sponsored by the Arab community that had   and insulted the Prophet Muhammad.   to trial, in the end this did not happen.   It said that “fortune”(Javanese: begja,
 aspecial relationships with its colleagues in   The article said that the Prophet   According to Kuntowijoyo (2000),   rahayu) dependedsolely on God’s will
 Indonesia (Shihab, 1998: 133).   Muhammad received the revelations in   Martodharsono had showed a letter of   and performing preferable prayers was
 Another challenge the reform movement   an ecstatic state.  support from K.H. Ahmad Dahlan and   a way to obtain it. This means that one’s
                                                 fortune was not the result of begging
 had to face, especially in Java was   After it was spread in the newspaper of   a trial was considered unnecessary,   at sacred tombs or keeping tuyuls.”
 Javanism, an ideology rooted in   the Central Sarekat Islam, the Oetoesan   because both parties, the editor and
 traditional Javanese beliefs partly   Hindia (the Indian Envoy) published in   the author of the article, were Muslims   (Kuntowijoyo, 2000: xv)
 mixed with Islam and Kebatinan (local   Surabaya, Muslims reacted very harshly   so it could not be considered insulting   Another challenge of reformism was
 Javanese mysticism). Most Javanism   to the article. Apparently, the Sarekat   other religions. This indicates that in   traditionalism, which was irreconcilable
 notions were contrary the both orthodox   Islam exploited this event to inspire   facing Javanism, reformers showed a   with the teachings of reformed Islam.

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