Page 27 - 一般護理之家實地災害情境緊急應變模擬演練之常見缺失與分享_薛裕霖
P. 27

緊急應變模擬演練 - 理念探討


          兩區劃防火門需經過時立即關閉嗎?

                 NFPA101:The provision of is new to the 2018 edition of the Code.

                    The  text  recognizes  the  use  of  delayed  action  closers  for  doors  that  are

                    required  to  be  self-closing  but  not  required  to  beautomatic  closing.

                    Delayed  action  closers  might  be  effectively  used  in  nursing  home  cross-

                    corridor door openings in a smoke  barrier, to provide additional time for a

                    resident who moves  slowly to travel through the door opening.

                 大部分機構在走廊所設常閉式防火門都裝一般門弓器(頂多只能設定稍慢關閉)..

                    沒有選用具延遲功能的 delayed action closer.

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