Page 7 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 7
5 The vocational Training Initiative
The Technical and vocational Training initiative aims to prepare the workers at the basic professional levels,
including skilled and professional workers, and at intermediate professional levels, in addition to the technicians
and the specialist assistants, who are the main components of human resource development systems, which in turn
contributes to the upgrading of The different economic sectors.
first purpose Second purpose Third purpose
An Excellent recruitment of Develop and strengthen the Establish a mechanism and a
qualified manpower in the role of tourism organizations in strong system for monitoring
labor market by bridging the supporting and financing data and statistics related to
gap between education and vocational and technical training the labor market to know the
training and the labor market programs and services. professional requirements
Fourth purpose Fifth purpose Sixth purpose
To raise awareness about the Enhancing the role of technical and Developing a quality
importance and the role of the vocational training in replacing labor standards for the technical
technical and vocational Training and professional human cadres as an and vocational education and
through increasing the rate of alternative to the foreign labor within training.
production and prosperity. the sector. 8