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change management.
telos works closely with organizations to build an in-depth, shared understanding of the enterprise and the factors in uencing performance. We then design and implement a tailored approach that often includes interventions to build skills, shift mindsets, empower leaders, and align talent that ensures successful and lasting change.
organizational audit.
An organizational audit is a strategic assessment of current strengths and the challenges facing your organization in the areas of strategy, leadership, and change. It is a critical rst step in any initiative designed to improve organizational results. telos queries key stakeholders to gather consistent, overarching themes for leaders to make decisions about what levers to pull for maximum impact on individual, team, and organizational performance.
merger management.
Mergers and acquisitions are transactions that provide unique opportunities to rethink your business and fundamentally transform the organization in a way that creates and sustains signi cant value. At telos, we assist our clients in knowing the connection between how organizations are born and developed and the implications these trajectories have on future performance.
While immediate gains are often achieved, at telos, we emphasize a long-term perspective on the merging of cultures and the creation of high-performing organizational climates. This mindset provides both the organizational e ciencies and nancial results so often desired in a transaction.
the telos institute
liminal space.
Developing thoughtful, focused, ready-now senior leaders in today’s dynamic world requires more than a standard training curriculum or a prescribed download of skills. Instead,
the path to unearthing elevated capabilities is most e ciently and e ectively accomplished by engaging in choice-driven liminal space.
At telos we de ne liminal space as a period of discontinuity that creates an openness to change.
We have created a powerful methodology for individuals, teams, and organizations that unleashes the power of liminal space to address issues of strategy, leadership, and change.