Page 35 - Online Stafford Catalog
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PO Box 328, 1041 Van Buren Avenue, Indian Trail NC 28079     Wheels and Rollers:   Feed Wheels
                                                                                                              PAGE  35

        Prime Technology Shur-Feed Wheels
        •  IN STOCK - Always available when you need it    •  QUALITY - Highest Quality Blue Nylon
          PART #      DESCRIPTION    MACHINE     OD     WIDTH      ALT #       PRICE
          100400       Blue - Duro 60  66"      4.500"  1.940"  WI-2058 / JS/863  $14.48
          100400-40   Yellow - Duro 40  66"     4.500"  1.940"                 $14.48
          100400-50   Green - Duro 50  66"      4.500"  1.940"                 $14.48
          106390       Blue - Duro 60  50"      3.625"  1.380"  WI-2057 / JS/869  $13.42
          106390-40   Yellow - Duro 40  50"     3.625"  1.380"                 $13.42
          106390-50   Green - Duro 50  50"      3.625"  1.380"                 $13.42
          110050       Blue - Duro 60  35" - 38"  3.062"  1.375"  WI-2056 / JS/870  $12.36
          110050-40   Yellow - Duro 40  35" - 38"  3.062"  1.375"              $12.36
          110050-50   Green - Duro 50  35" - 38"  3.062"  1.375"               $12.36
          358560                     35" - 38"  3.062"  1.375"   JS/870CC      $18.30
                        Duro 60/85
          508560                       50"      3.625"  1.380"   JS/864CC      $18.30
                        Duro 60/85
          668560                       66"      4.500"  1.940"   JS/863CC      $18.30
                        Duro 60/85

         Rotacut / Corserve (Rollvac)

          PART #      DESCRIPTION     DURO       OD     WIDTH       ID         PRICE
          191327      Lead Edge Wheel  Duro 60  1.938"  0.625"     1.325"       $9.77

         Stafford replacement wheels for
         SUN Extend-O-Feed™- Precision Molded
         •   PRECISION MOLDING  -  Maintains exact diameter right out of the mold   -  No need to grind

          PART #      DESCRIPTION    MACHINE     OD     WIDTH      ALT #       PRICE
          10247A-PM      Blue          66"      4.350"   1"                     $8.16
                                                               JS-10247 / Q0700
          10247A-PMO     Orange        66"      4.350"   1"       WI-1155       $8.16
                                                               JS-10247 / Q0700
          10460A-PM      Blue          50"      3.686"   1"                     $8.16
                                                               JS-10460 / Q0701
          10460A-PMO     Orange        50"      3.686"   1"                     $8.16
                                                               JS-10460 / Q0701
          11365-PMO      Orange                          1"                     $8.16
          12651-PM       Blue         35"-38"   3.000"  3/4"      WI-1157       $8.16
                                   Serial No 500+              JS-12651 / Q0703
                                      35"-38"                     WI-1157
          12651-PMO      Orange                 3.000"  3/4"                    $8.16
                                   Serial No 500+              JS-12651 / Q0703
          13647A-PM      Blue        24" mini   2.530"  5/8"      Q0704         $8.16
                                     24" mini
          13647A-PMO     Orange                 2.530"  5/8"      Q0704         $8.16
                                     618 Martin
                                      50" &
          181280-PM      Green                  3.543"  1.102"                 $24.00
                                   Emba Ultima 245
          181280-PMO     Orange       50" &     3.543"  1.102"                 $22.68
                                   Emba Ultima 245
          19058-PM       Blue        24" mini   2.460"  5/8"      JS-19058      $8.16
          19058-PMO      Orange      24" mini   2.460"  5/8"      JS-19058      $8.16
                                 Extend-O-Feed™ is a trademark of Sun Automation
        All prices are subject to change without notice                                                           35
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