Page 2 - omer hamaagan assaf - swipes and fragments
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Omer Hamaagan-Assaf (1974) is a contemporary artist; father of four, industrial
engineer, ad man and a triathlete. Omer started the path to becoming a painter at the
age of 8 as a young scholar of Aviva Pasternak. At the age of 29, Omer was awarded
a scholarship to the Hadassah School of Communication and Design in Jerusalem.
Over the years Omer has travelled the art world, stimulated by artists such as
Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko and Anselm Kiefer. Omer has been working closely
with Israel leading Paint and Color Company.
The variety of coats and additives played a pivotal role in the development of Omer’s
unique painting technique which he describes as “deep-paint surfing” (DPS) using acrylics,
glue, gels, latex and passion; uninterrupted finger engraving in the unformed void
resulting in rusticated, expressive & sensuous forms and surfaces. His two main
collections are entitled Vast Fragments and Hira.
Represented by: Panorama Art Plus