Page 15 - Mena-Jénnifer_Portfolio-Writing-II
P. 15

U.3  Demonstrate logical organization in written products.

 Class Hours/
           Teaching       Tutoring      Learning       Independent     Assessment tools
    Thematic Units        Component       Hours      application and      hours including
          Teacher     Cooperative
 ’s          experimenting    research and

           ce        learning             practices        community

                                component       service
   3.1 Full Pockets, Empty Pockets: Writing a   1      0      0      0      2     Debate
   cause-and-effect essay

   Reading   for   writing:   Global   economic   1      0      0      0      2     Workshops

   Writing:  Cause-and-effect  essay;  Economic   1      1      0      0      3     Questionnaires
   conditions  in  your  country  or  about  your
   personal career choice

   Revising: Essay introduction in a formal essay   1      1      1      0      3     Mind maps

   Final Draft   2      1      1      0      4     Essays

   Chapter Review   2      1      0      0      4     Writing

    SUBTOTAL HOURS      8      4      2      0      18      TOTAL      30

    Unit Learning outcome: Produce logical, creative, and coherently organized essays through analytical and sociological perspectives.
    Learning Methodologies: Collaborative Learning; Problem based learning PBL and Project Based Learning.
    Educational Strategies: Discussions, Mind Maps, Lectures, Simulations, Workshops.
 Didactic Resources: Overhead projector, internet, coursebook and e-books.
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