Page 24 - Mena-Jénnifer_Portfolio-Writing-II
P. 24
The world is connected more and more every year. Technologies that
made these connections possible are growing rapidly. English is the most
widely native spoken language in the world. It’s also the universal language
and it gives you a lot of job opportunities in a world that is more competitive
as the days passes. I decided to study English as a professional; to have
success in my life, to find a job that I would like and also because the benefits
of knowing more than one language are many. For example, knowing a
second language improves the ability to connect social and cultural aspects
of people’s life and this is a very important skill nowadays. I’m going to do
my best in this semester to improve my writing skills and I will achieve this
goal by giving the best of me with this module and by practicing a lot since
I have many difficulties when it comes to write essays or paragraphs. I think
I will achieve these goals by studying and practicing English every day or at
least 2 days a week Writing is a subject that requires a lot of practice so I
will do my best to attend at every single lesson and practice a lot at home.
Writing II is very important because I can learn more about grammar rules
and how to correctly use punctuation. Also learn how to form more precise
sentences on some subject without repeating words and thus have a complex
sentence. The ways to paraphrase a paragraph not to have plagiarism in some
of the works, especially focusing on the different types of essays that we can
write using each of the things mentioned previously. Only in this way I will
be a good English teacher.