Page 58 - Mena-Jénnifer_Portfolio-Writing-II
P. 58
Nowadays, many people travel around the world for many reasons; for
business, for relatives, because of health problems, for studies or just for the
enjoyment to know about other. All these people have one thing in common
and it’s the difficulty to communicate when they don’t know the foreign
Knowing grammar and vocabulary is not always enough. For
example, in Ecuador, English as a second language, but most people and
specially students, struggle a lot when it comes to write essays or simple
paragraphs. That’s why the module and teaching of Writing is probably the
best way to overcome those troubles in grammar and punctuation. In fact the
elements in the module were all very useful to improve my writing skills.
The most important aspect about the module was that thanks to it, I
learned many grammar rules as well as vocabulary and I put them into
practice when I had to write essays in the classroom and at home as
homework. I think this module was very helpful for me because I could
notice a little differences when I wrote essays and when I had to read as well.
In my opinion, this syllabus can help all those students and other
people who want to write in English in a good way to have a much better
skill in composing written texts. The fact that this module teaches grammar
is another good advantage for learners because it not only include tips and
knowledge that involve grammatical rules, but also new vocabulary.