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P. 8

6                                                                               The Visual Thinker                March 2019                                                                                          7

           “What’s most important to                                             it. I love cartoons: I love that              Everything is seen as a brand

                                                                                                                               now. We’re pressured to
                                                                                 language, and I love bright, big,
            me is to remember that this                                          pop-y stuff.                                  present everything, including                 “    What I enjoy about
                                                                                                                               our own lives, as perfect and
                                                                                 I wish I was into minimalist,
             is my passion. Even if I was                                        smart design. I wish my work                  glossy. The question we have                 painting and art is that it
                                                                                                                               to ask ourselves is: Am I
                                                                                 looked like a Rothko or a
             working somewhere else,                                             Rauschenberg. I would love for                going to be the first one to be             can lead to conversation
             I’d be trying to do this, so I                                      my work to be that, but it’s just             vulnerable?                                  about anything. It might
                                                                                 a fucking weird, crazy cartoon

             might as well try to do it for                                      world where anything is possible.             Totally. All we’re looking for            lead us to talk about death
                                                                                                                               is honesty—that one little
                                                                                 At the same time, it doesn’t really
             myself.”                                                            make sense. Abstract art doesn’t              ounce of honesty in the world,             or being afraid or anxiety,
                                                                                 have all of the answers we want,
                                                                                                                               whether it’s found within art or
                                                                                 and that’s why I love it.                     other things. Everything comes
                                                                                 No, but it has a lot of feeling.              back to that in some way, shape,             and then hopefully it will
                                                                                 Exactly. That’s what I’ve tried to            or form.
            Do you think one of the reasons  be,” because like you said, it’s    create. What about the artist who             I once heard a really cool                    get us to ask the larger
            you were able to develop such a    art. I’m not reliant on it. Even   believes there’s another language            interview with Tom Hanks.
            strong voice with your personal  if another Nike doesn’t come        and grouping of emotions that                 “What makes a piece of art                   question about what the
            work was because you had the       around, I’ll continue making      you can’t express through words?              good to you, whether it’s film or
            commercial work as your bread      whatever the hell I want. And                                                   music?” He said, “Every great              human experience means
            and butter and there was no        you know what? It’s going to look                                               piece of art asks the eternal
            pressure no make money from        like this weird, cartoon world.                                                 question that we all have, which          to each of us. To me, that’s
            the personal stuff at the start?   Some people are going to look                                                   has to do with existence.” As
                                               at it and say, “Dude, this fucking                                              generic as that sounds, it has               a much more interesting
            It didn’t cross my mind then, but   guy is all about cartoons and it’s                                             to do with asking the eternal
            it does now. I completely agree    really naïve—is it for a kid?”                                                  question: Why are we here?                              conversation.                  ”
            with you.                          I’ve thought about that recently.                                               What are we doing? What is this
            It’s like I’ve hit this weird      It’s so weird what my work is                                                   place?
            moment of, “Fuck it, I can make    turning into, but at the same
            this into whatever I want it to    time, I let myself intuitively make
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