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Clément Layes
allege. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg.90
Choreography/concept: Clément Layes Performance: Vincent Weber (201 3- 201 6), Clément Layes (201 0-201 3) Dramaturgy: Jasna Layes Vinovrski Music: David Byrne
Costume: Public in private
Light: Ruth Waldeyer, Florian Bach Photography: DieterHartwig,Renata Chueire
A production by Public in Private. Thanks to Sophiensæle, Tanztage Berlin, Festival Ardanthé, Dock 1 1 , CND Paris
Concept: Clément Layes:
Assistance dramaturgy/ choreography: Jasna Layes-Vinovrski Choreography/dance: Jasna L. Vinovrski, Felix M. Ott, Vidal Bini, Clément Layes, Ruth Waldeyer (+1 special guest)
Light design: Rut Waldeyer Photography: Gerhard F. Ludwig
Der grüne
Concept/ direction: Clément Layes: Dramaturgic assistance: Jasna L. Vinovrški
Choreography/ interpretation: Felix M. Ott, Felix Marchand, Clément Layes Photography: Gerhard F. Ludwig Produced by Public in Private. Thanks to Tanznacht Berlin 201 2
Things that surrounds us. . . . . . . . pg.98
Concept/choreography: Clément Layes Performance/ choreography: Felix Marchand, Ante Pavic, Vincent Weber Objects/stage: Marinus van Eldik
Light: Ruth Waldeyer
Music: Tian Rotteveel
Dramaturgy: Florian Feigl Choreographic assistance: Jasna L. Vinovrški Photography:GianinaUrmenetaOttiker, DoroTuch
Press & production: björn & björn
A production by Public in Private in co- production with Sophiensæle Berlin and Workspace Brussels. Supported by the governing Mayor of Berlin – the Senate Chancellery – Cultural Affairs. Thanks to the BSR, Haver & Boecker, Alfred Kärcher GmbH and Kärcher Center Benne, Flutgraben e.V.
Choreography/concept: Clément Layes with Vincent Weber, Felix Marchand, Justin Palermo & one guest
Dramaturgy: Jonas Rutgeerts
Concept & choreographic collaboration: Jasna Layes-Vinvorski
Collaboration dramaturgy: Henri Layes Light: Ruth Waldeyer
Sound: Uli Ertl
Costumes: Jelka Plate & Eike Böttcher Distribution: BOLD
Photography: DieterHartwig
Production management: björn & björn
A Production by Public in Private, co- Kunstencentrum BUDA Kortrijk (BE),
co-produced by Sophiensæle Berlin (D), Dampfzentrale Bern (CH), Uzès Danse (F), Théâtre de Nîmes (F), fabrik Potsdam (D). Funded by the Capital Cultural Fund Germany. Supported by Etape Danse, initiated by the Inistitut Français Deutschland/Bureau du Théâtre et de la Danse and fabrik Potsdam, with the help of Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication/DGCA, of the SACD and the cityofPotsdam.Thanksto:Kunstfabrik Flutgraben, Stamsund International Theaterfestival & Uferstudios Berlin
Choreography/ Performance: Clément Layes In collaboration with and performed by: Clément Layes, Felix Marchand, Vincent Weber
Light: Ruth Waldeyer
Sound dramaturgy: Ulrike Ertl
Drum: Steve Heather
Dramaturgy: Jonas Rutgeerts
Artistic collaboration: Jasna L. Vinovrški Press & Production: björn & björn Photography: Robin Kirchner
A production by Public in Private/Clément Layes. Funded by the governing Mayor of Berlin - Senat’s Chancellery - Cultural Affairs and Fonds Darstellende Kuenste. Supported by Sophiensæle, tanzhaus nrw, STUK Leuven, Tanzquartier Wien, Uferstudios and Flutgraben. Thanks to bold.
Clément Layes composing for/with Steve Heather & Anthea Caddy
A production of Labor sonor for the festival

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