Page 154 - PIP
P. 154
moving music
Curated by Christian Kesten, Andrea Nemann
Co-conception: Arthur Rother, Derek Shirley
Reseach/ curation: Matthias Haenisch Photography: Steve Heather, Anthea Caddy
Organized by Labor Sonor in cooperation with Ballhaus Ost. Supported by the Governing Mayor of Berlin - Senate Chancellery - Cultural Affairs, cross- divisional funding, and the District Office Pankow of Berlin, Office for Further Education and Culture - Department of Art and Culture
Choreography: Clément Layes
Artistic advisor: Jasna L.Vinovrški Performance: Asaf Aharonson, Daniel AlmgrenRecén, Cécile Bally, Rafal Dziemidok, Ulrike Gabe, Steven Koglin, Calissa Layes, Felix Marchand, Lee Méir, Ixchel Mendoza Hernández, Larisa Navojec, Liselotte Singer, Bahar Temiz, André Uerba, Nir Vidan, Albrecht Walter Dramaturgy: Jonas Rutgeerts
Sound: Steve Heather
Stage: Jonas Maria Droste, Chris Gylee, Clément Layes
Light: Ruth Waldeyer
Costumes: Malena Modeer
Press & Production: björn & björn Photography: Diego Agullo
A production by Public in Private/Clément Layes
Co-produced by Platform 0090
and Manège, Scène Nationale - Reims. Funded by the German Capital Cultural Fund, the Senate Administration for Culture and Europe and the Fonds Transfabrik - Fonds franco-allemand pour le spectacle vivant. Supported by Sophiensæle Berlin, Fabrik Potsdam and STUK Leuven. Thanks to Flutgraben e.V
The emergency artist
(Ein Sturzkünstler). . . . . . . . . . . . pg.1 1 8 Concept/ Choreography: Clément Layes Performance: Steven Koglin, Dina Ekštajn, Ana Vnučec, Florencia Martina, Jonas Maria Droste, Ante Pavić
Sound design: Steven Heather
Light design: Ruth Waldeyer
Stage design: Jonas Maria Droste, Clément Layes
Costume: Ana Savić-Gecan
Costume assistance: Ozana Gabriel
Artistic assistance: Jasna L. Vinovrški Dramaturgy: Jonas Rutgeerts
Video: Christopher Hewitt
Internationale Communication: Inge Koks PR
Production: björn & björn
Photography: Dieter Hartwig
A production of Public in Private/Clément Layes in co-production with Studio za suvremeni ples / Studio - Contemporary Dance Company Zagreb. Supported by the Senate Department for Culture and Europe. With the friendly support of Flutgraben e.V. and SOPHIENSÆLE
ONON. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg.1 22
Choreography: Clément Layes Performance: Cécile Bally, Mariana Vieira, Asaf Aharonson, Nir Vidan,
Stage: Jonas Maria Droste, Clément Layes Light: Ruth Waldeyer
Sound: Steve Heather
Costume: Malena Modéer
Video: Christopher Hewitt
Dramaturgy: Jonas Rutgeerts International communication: Inge Koks Press and production: björn & björn Photography: Gerhard Ludwig
Production: Public in Private / Clément Layes
Coproduction Platform: 0090
Funded by the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe and NPN Germany supported by SOPHIENSÆLE Berlin, BUDA Kortrijk, STUK, Leuven and wpZimmer, Antwerp.