Page 120 - ManualFormandoInglesBasico
P. 120

Manual do formando | INGLÊS BÁSICO

                     1 11 1   INFINITO      2 22 2   PASSADO          3 33 3   PORTUGUÊS

                    to ask (ásk)           asked (áskt)              perguntou
                    to attend (aténd)      attended (aténdid)        assistiu

                    to be (bí)             was (uós) were (uér)   foi; esteve
                    to be born (born)      was born/were born   nasceu; nasceram

                    to become (bikám)   became (bikéim)              tornou-se; transformou-se em
                    to blow (blóu)         blew (blú)                soprou; apagou
                    to bring (bríng)       brought (brót)            trouxe

                    to build (bíld)        built (bílt)              construiu
                    to buy (bái)           bought (bót)              comprou; adquiriu
                    to call (kól)          called (kólt)             chamou; telefonou

                    to carry (kári)        carried (kárit)           levou; transportou
                    to catch (kách)        caught (kót)              agarrou; apanhou

                    to clean (klín)        cleaned (klínd)           limpou
                    to close (klóus)       closed (klóust)           fechou
                    to come (kám)          came (kéim)               veio;chegou
                    to cook (kúk)          cooked (kúkt)             cozinhou

                    to choose (chús)       chose (chós)              escolheu
                    to dance (dáns)        danced (dánst)            dançou
                    to draw (dró)          drew (drú)                desenhou

                    to drink (drínk)       drank (dránk)             bebeu
                    to drive (dráiv)       drove (dróuv)             conduziu
                    to eat (ít)            ate (ét)                  comeu

                    to enter (énter)       entered (éntert)          entrou
                    to fall (fól)          fell (fél)                caiu

                    to feel (fí:l)         felt (félt)               sentiu
                    to find (fáind)        found (fáund)             encontrou
                    to fix (fíks)          fixed (fíkst)             reparou; consertou

                    to fly (flái)          flew (flú)                voou
                    to forget (forguét)    forgot (forgót)           esqueceu

                    to get (guét)          got (gót)                 conseguiu
                    to give (guív)         gave (guéiv)              deu
                    to go (góu)            went (uént)               foi; dirigiu-se
                    to grow up (gróu-
                                           grew up (gru-áp)          cresceu (em)

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