Page 11 - dissertation flip book
P. 11
Anxiety and depression
have spiked throughout
the pandemic, “Can stem
from loss of loved ones,
the financial distress and social isolation” Business Insider (2020). Therapists
are particularly seeing this rise in “Young professionals” Business Insider(2020). This was confirmed by a group of millennials who all agreed that “Anyone who’s lived alone has really struggled.” Respondent 1 Millennial focus group.
This can be enforced by arguing that millennials are currently struggling the most. This is due to a lot of them not yet being settled, they can be seen to be in an odd in-between stage where they are not yet old enough to be completely comfortable in their lives and careers and yet some are too old to move back in with their parents during lockdown. “The majority of my clients are
in their 30s” Susie Rogers (2020) a therapist who explains that her clients are
struggling due to working from home without the organic breaks that occur naturally in an office. However, it could be argued that millennials are just more likely to seek therapy than other generations instead of struggling the most. Another limitation to this argument is due to Susie Rogers being a private therapist and therefore could be seen as having young professional clients due to them being able to afford therapy in comparison to them being the most needing of it.
“You can’t live in fear can you” Focus group respondent 4, the attitudes towards
the pandemic are already changing with one respondent claiming that although, “it’s obviously going to change
my life as much as it can.
But I’m still going to try
and get out as much as is
legal these days.” Millennial Focus group respondent 1.
As a general consensus the public are less likely to be taking a second lockdown as
seriously as the first one due to the damage that the first lockdown inflicted on peoples mental health. “ The number of clients seems to peak in
the first couple of weeks into each lockdown,” Susie Rogers(2020) Therapist.
Ernest Becker wrote the Denial of Death (1973)
and explained how we act
due to our consciousness of death as explained further
in the Business of Fashion Podcast (2020). During the pandemic consumers are constantly reminded of how mortal they are which leads
to decisions changing due
to beliefs changing. It was discussed by the Business of Fashion Podcast (2020) that when faced with mortality, humans are more likely to coincide with like-minded people. However a limitation that needs to be considered is that 1973, although post both world wars, was pre pandemic and therefore Becker couldn’t have evaluated the idea of his theory to a global extent.