Page 2 - dissertation flip book
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 The pandemic is currently changing the world irreversibly and consumers mindsets are evolving. For brands to continue to be relatable it is important they adapt to the new needs of the post pandemic consumer. This can only be achieved by first understanding their trauma. This research aims to understand how current negative societal issues have affected millennials wellbeing and resulted
in their mistrust of fashion high street brands, alongside researching the methods used by PR (public relations) practitioners to gain consumers’ trust.
Secondary research was completed including considering Thomas Bivins Mixed Media: Moral Distinctions in Advertising, Public Relations and
Journalism (2004) and also Patricia Swann Case Studies in Public Relations Management: The
Rise of Social Media and Activism (2019) books, alongside a series of podcasts from sources such
as WGSN. Primary research was also undertaken through interviews of a professional in the PR industry, therapists and Isabelle Szmigin a key researcher into consumer behaviour. Research was accumulated about the consumer mindset using a focus group of eight millennials, as well as a survey shared using social media platforms.
The consumer mindset has been irreparably changed by the pandemic as explained by the Business of Fashion podcast (2020) that discussed the ideology that money is more
prevalent in consumers minds when reminded
that they are going to die. This leads to outcomes including wanting to save their money due to the uncertainty of the future and, conversely, to spend hedonistically as explained by Isabelle Szmigin. The second conclusion explains ways in which brands have gained and lost consumer trust in the past
and different approaches that could be taken in the future. Lastly the importance of brands discussing societal issues and what their stance is on them. Consumers are becoming more aware of whether a brand is living the values it preaches behind closed doors and want to ensure that they are investing in brands that align with their values.

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