Page 2 - Phylicia Martin Obituary eBrochure
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The life of Phylicia  !fa.shad "~letha" \laniu hcgan in  \k·mphis, T;-.;_  On 'l1111rsday, ,\111-,'l1st  10,
    I 989 wlit·n she ,,·as horn lo Fdl'<·ia  I );mlc11-l lrnranl ;uul I loscy Somt·om· :\for1i11.  To her family,
    she ,,·;L-; k.i1mrn as ":\k1ha." Ailhongh she was lhc second chi lei  born, to her sihlin.~, she ofleu took
    the role as tlie ol1ks1. ( )11  \\'eduesday,January rn, 2021, l'liylii·ia entered elemal rcsl.  She al"ccpl-
    t·d Chrisl as !in pt-rs<mal sa,·ior at an inncclihly }Ulllll!; age muln thl' pasloral ship of till' late  lk'-
    Sa111111y  L  Ccorgc, al Ilic  ~lomi11g Siar \tissiouary Baplist Cl111rd1,  Elaiue, .\R.
    Phylicia  spent  her  early diildlmod  am!  aclolcscc111  years  with  her  malernal  gre;11-1,,r,11l(l111othcr,
    Saral1 J;Kksrn1-l!olm.  It  was  tl1erc  ,,·ere lier lifo  frn11ulati011s  l1cgt111.  ) 1 l1ylicia altemlcd die  !·Jaine
    Sd100\ Systems duriug her elementary and middle school yrars, In 200i she 1,rr.ulua1cd  l"rom  the
    7\..l;ir\'cl  I liµ;l1  Sc-hool.  Slie  fitnl1en::d  lier c<h1ca1io11al  st11clies al  1l1e  1 "11i\'Crsi1y of .\rka.11sas,  J)i11e
    Blufl She atlemlcd ;md complc1cd her dq.,'l"Cl'  al  Paul  \Iitchdl Sd1ool of Cosmetology.  Scckiug  ·.
    a career rhaug<.', she ro111inued her sludies al  S1rayer l ·11iYcrsity  pursinl; a degree in  Busi11css  ,\d-
  "-.:-•  miuislratmn. Site was employed with Federal Express Corporation for on:r 1.5 years.  I lcr last cm- ·
    ploymcnl l\'as wi1h .\111azo11  Coqmratiou, :\k1upliis, T:\" .
   7  Pli,h<1,1  is  110\\  1t·stmg  m  the  \1111s  ol  (,()l)  \\Ith  hn  m,1!<.111,11  gra11d11101hu  Domlh}  Boho
    I ),um r, gi,uull.1tl1l1  \\ ,lll\.11  I J.u1I~ 11,  pakmal gi;u1<lrnn1lll1  \'cl'.t \\ 1llxm1-I I.uuptou, ,mc l gi,uull,11lw1's
    T ornmy  I lood  aml J osh  :\.1artin;  Crea1-1-,rr,md  parculs  Leroy  ancl  Sarn.h  Bobo,  Clcoph11s  and
    Mamie  \\'ilhom  awl  \1rs.  \1argarc1  I lanlcu.  I kr aunls:  Fomestra  11:uner-Vang:hu,  Delois
    l lamplon,  Bobhie  .\mold,  Carolyn  Marli11  and  l jnda  Carter;  lier  1111dcs:  Elder  Derck.\.
    I lanlcn, SGT Ed\\;ml  I..  Bobo,  Leroy  Bobo Jr., Stale Tmopn LT. Bobo -1 .. ,wm", and  Hay
    She lea,·cs 10  celehr.11e her life her ouly daughlerJaCali Haslmn  :\larlin-Camey, hl·r dernlcd and
    <kdirn1cd  pare11ts,  Fdc<·ia  I J;mku-1 lowanl  and  Frank  I lo\\'anl  III  (So111han-11,  \.IS),  Fa1her
    I Josey  \farti11  (~  (julc  Hock,  .-\R),  Cr;uulfalhtT:  l.c\·cll  I lamer  (:\.kmpliis, T;-.;),  I k·r Sislcrs:
    Kauedrn \lartin, l.aQ11i111a :\tanin. Chelsey \1artiu (So111l1an-11, \IS), andTcslll'ka Spears (l)all;L-;,
    "J"X), I !e r  l\ rn1hcrs: (J11i11l<111  '.\tarti11  ".-\ sl1 kc11" (H11s1011,  ! ~\), lkrt:k  I ltl\\'anl, Fra11k  I l<marcl  I\'
    (So111ha,·e11,  \1S),  \larrns Crce11  "Darrelle"  (i':orll1lake, TX), .uul  Hasltad  \lartin (.\ rkadclphia,
    ,\R),  ,\  Special  :-,;q,hc\\'  B1yso11  l\tu·1i11  (So11lha,·e11,  '.\·IS).  :'\ciccs:  Haig-en,  Tcuariyah, Tierney,
    T aylor and A11aya.  :-,;ephc\\'s: Harirnis,Jamari, amlJaylon. Special .\11111:  Latoya Bobo-Jones, I lcr
    cousins:  ;'\ylaJ011es and  Kayla.Jones (\kmphis, T;-.;)_  1 ler .-\mils: t]la \\'rii;-h1  and \ 'na \fartin
    (l•:Jai11e,  AR),  \1.u-1ha  Sla1cr  "Hohc11",  \\'est  '.\lcmphis,  .-\H,  Pallil"ia  \'aughn  "Hil"k"'  (:\.fcmphis,
    T:\'),  Diaue  I lamplon  (Los A11gdes,  CA).  Iler l indes:  \\'illie  l lamplon  (Da)10n,  AL), Terry
    I lampton (Compton, C.\), Hicky I lc11derso11  (Soulh Bc11d, I:\), Brady \'a11gh11  (Southa,·en, \IS),
    and  .\nrnlray  \'a11glm  ()ilc111pliis,  T;-.;).  Creal- \htcrnal A1111ts:  Samii  Boho--1 loskin  (Con)(ff:l,
    T;\'),  lknha Bolm-(.Juincr "Terry" (:\kmphi.~. Tl\:), am!  Jjnda Bobo-Duncan '"Billy"  (Lonoke,
    AH).  ()ne  rnakmal  great  ~'l·eat  a1111t:  Callil'ri11c  \\'ilkins-Boho  (Chicago,  II.).  Special  Cousius:
    lkm·ka  \\'right-1.cwis,  Dl·romc  Bobo Jr., Aklha  (Juiucy-llolmcs,  lk11ira  Craysou-Samlcrs,
    Lashauti  (.Jui11cy-l lol111es,  Slilimlrca  (.Juim'y,  Lindsey  (.Juiuey,  \\'emir  (juin<-'Y,  and  a  hosl  ol
    oll1rr comi11s, rdalin·s, and f1iemls. A  \ 'cry SpcC'ial  Fril'ml:Jamal Carnl'}' ('.\kmphis, T;-.;)_
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