Page 2 - Kenneth Jefferson Obituary eBrochure
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Kenneth Charles Jefferson was born Jt1ly 18. 1973 m Helena. Arkansas to the
union ofGro, er "Joe'"' and Annie JcffcTSon. He accepted Christ al the age of 14
at Springdale Road Church of Christ in Helena# He later urutcd in Matnmony
\\ 1th JcITcn.on and to thi:s umon o daughter. Kcandra Jefferson, "as
,b-Om and ~tcpcluldrcn: ~ daughlcn.. Ania and Cordusha Reynolds .. and 2 sons.:
Marcu~ and lnc Johnson \\ ere r:u~cd.
Kenneth entered Lhc U.S . .Army soon allcr high school and 5<:T\ cd his country
as a Sargcnl until the year 2000. He lo, cd working with alt people but
cspcc1aJly lhe elderly al St. Elizabeth's Nursing Center in Jonesboro .. Arkansas.
He lo11r·cd lus family and h1s chitdrcri.. Kenneth \~ always willing to help in
amy way he could~ c\cn ,-..hen he \\as tm:d. He lo\C'd worlung on cars and also
lo\·cd hanging with his friends.
Kenneth Charle:. Jefferson dcpancd this hfo on January l l. 2021 in Jonesboro.
Arkansas. Prcccdmg him in death arc bis father. Grover •Joc" Jefferson.: bu,
grnndparcnL~. Rosie and Brad} Jellerson. Louis \Villinms. Sr. and Ida Mac
\\'illiams: a ncphc,". Lee Chester \ViHiams: an adopti~c grandfather. AJlcn
Porter Jr.: 8 uncles. Lee Andrew \\'illiairu.. Sr .. Louis \Villiam~. Jr .. James T.
Cole~ Jc~1c St~u·nson. Nathamd ktlcTSon~ Clcu~land Jefferson. Perey
Jefferson. Elbert Jcl'fcrson: and an aunt. ~foncn a Blackmon.
He leav~ to chcnsh his memory: his wife. ChnStc Jefferson ofOklahoma: his
mother. Annie ~1nc Jcflcrson of Bruton. AR: so~ Ja\lcr of Conway. AR and
Stanton Jcff crson of Jonesboro .. \R: daughtc-rs~ ?\') ala Jellerson of Barton. AR;
Tcyonna Bowlin of t\c\\ Pon Riche). FL; Kcandra Jcnc~on of Oklahoma.
City. OK. Jamia Jcffcr~on ofliulc Rock. AR and Alexandria Jcncrson of
Jonesboro. AR; a special cousin. Jacqueline C:midinc; brother.,. Gro\CT
Jctlcrso~ Jr. of Chicago. IL; Larry P,oncrof Seattle. \VA: Michael Porter of
Bento~ AR: Rand) Porter and Terrance Jefferson. both of Litllc Rock. A~
sisters~ Glona Bogan of St. Louis. MO; \Vllhc Mac Poncr and Tamara
Blaokcnship_. both of Jonesboro. AR: Barbara Porter of Bwtoa ,AR: Gloria
Mac Jefferson of Chicago. IL: Lalanthc Jaclson of Douglas\ tllc. GA:
Gwendolyn Da\is of Lexa. AR and Stacie Ford (Sherman) ofOli\c Branc~
MS~ a spcc131 ruccc. Tamara ?\falhls of Jonesboro. AR \\ho \\'a.s raised \\Ith
him tikc a sisler. spccml fncnds. Gale Ta}lor. JcOCI) Gibson. Dana i\lcCoy
ruid n host of uncles. aunts. nephews. mcccs. cous1ns and fncnds.