Page 27 - KKFSF Annual Report 2019 Master b_Neat 1
P. 27

Keep Kids Fire Safe Foundation Fire Safety Programming
                                                  WORKS and SAVES LIVES

                          The story of 5-year old Angelica and how she knew what to
                                do when faced with an actual fire-related situation.

           When Dayna Hilton kneeled to listen to 5-year-old

           Angelica tell how she knew exactly what to do when
           her house caught fire, Angelica’s story confirmed for
           Hilton the value of using canines to teach fire safety.

           "Firefighter Dayna I was in bed under the 'cobers'
           and the smoke came” said Angelica. “I crawled out
           of bed and crawled low, just like Sparkles [the Fire
           Safety Dog] showed me to. I said, 'C'mon daddy, you
           have to get on the floor and crawl low like

           Angelica was able to help get safely out of the                 Sparkles the Fire Safety Dog with

           house and when her Dad was at the front door,                   Dayna Hilton and Angelica in 2008
             the firefighters scooped him up and took them to safety.

           The firefighters shared after that moment; the home flashed over.

           Knowing Angelica and her father were safe because of Sparkles and her fire safety program,

           Dayna became motivated to work harder to help keep more children like Angelica fire safe.

           Thanks to Angelica’s quick thinking, and the fire safety training she learned from the Sparkles,
             Angelica is now a teenager.

                                 The Keep Kids Fire Safe Foundation was founded in honor of Sparkles the Fire Safety
                                 Dog in 2008, and in 2009, was recognized by the IRS as a non-profit 501 (c)(3).

                                 Rescued from a home with 62 other dogs, Sparkles went on to help save the lives of
                                 seven children and two adults involved in actual fire-related situations.

                                 Sparkles loved children and working to help keep them safe.

                                 The foundation was started to help continue the work Sparkles started.

                                 Sparkles crossed over the Rainbow Bridge October 2010.

                       The Keep Kids Fire Safe Foundation’s fire safety program is educationally-sound and based

               on the Fire Safety for Young Children curriculum by Oklahoma State University’s Fire Protection Publications.
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