Page 2 - Eco Schools Newsletter - Autumn 2 - English
P. 2

A letter from our guest editor

            I spend a lot of my time outdoors on the water, mainly

            on a Stand Up Paddle Board. This has shown me first-
            hand how climate change is having an impact on
            nature and the biodiversity of our local areas. From

            less rainfall in the summer affecting the flow of
            the rivers making it more difficult for the wildlife

            to survive in drought conditions to heavy rainfall
            causing the storm drains to empty into the rivers and seas
            polluting the water so wildlife find it difficult to survive.

            Whilst it could be rally easy to feel overwhelmed by the impact of Climate

            Change on Wales, it is really positive to see young people making choices that
            can lessen their impact on the climate. For example, looking at packaging on
            their food to see if it is deforestation free, investigating their carbon footprint,

            and opting out of fast fashion. When this is linked to actions their friends are
                                            taking, changes in the school through the Eco-

                                               Schools programme or making changes using
                                                Eco-Schools at home all these smaller actions
                                                 build up to significant changes.

                                                  Keep making those positive changes.

                                                    Fran Watkin - Education Officer supporting

                                                     Caerphilly and Merthyr Tydfil and Secondary Specialist
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