P. 7
what's needed to keep your job right? Staying 6
focused is challenging when running a business
from management due to awareness you need for
structuring the many areas of your business. Many
get distracted by customers and or the many types
of advertising needed to keep a business healthy
enough to survive. There are many challenges in
an internet business structure and seems to get
time consuming but focusing on the need of the
customer instead of your own needs will get you a
lot closer to success in this business. Focusing on
what your doing to help your customer should be
business priority one in any business.
Without motivation in your life there is no action
performed. Your motivation towards what you
want to accomplish in life is only rewarding when
you’re putting 100% of yourself into it. Your
desire to reach your financial goals in life revolves
around your motivation to see around others to get
what you want.