Page 4 - The Huckleberry People Catalog 2019
P. 4

G O U R M E T   J A M S   A N D   J E L L I E S

                                                              1 3   o z   W i l d   H u c k l e b e r r y   J a m

                                                    T  he  13oz  is  the  largest  jar  size  available  for  our  Wild

                                                    Huckleberry Jam. It is a popular choice for any true Wild
                                                    Huckleberry Jam lover. It makes a great gift because the jar
                                                    can  be  reused  as  a  coffee  mug.    Our  Huckleberry  Razzle

                                                    jam is a delicious blend of wild huckleberries and raspber-

                                                    ries. We have 20 additional flavors to fit your local market.

                                                                         12 items per case

                                                        J13-01  13oz Wild Huckleberry Jam  $4.75 / $57.00
                                                        J13-11  13oz Huckleberry Razzle Jam   $4.50 / $54.00

                                   1 3   o z   W i l d   B e r r y   J a m s   A n d   J e l l i e s

                                                         13   o z  M en u

                                           $4.50-  12 per case - Case Price: $54.00

                               J13-02   Wild Chokecherry Jelly     J13-12  Cherry Raspberry
                               J13-03   Cherry                     J13-13  Marionberry
                               J13-04   Blackberry                 J13-15  Buffaloberry Jelly
                               J13-05   Strawberry Rhubarb         J13-25 Red Pepper Jelly
                                                                   J13-65  Salmonberry Jelly
                               J13-06   Red Raspberry
                                                                   J13-70  Cranberry
                               J13-07   Wild Elderberry Jelly
                                                                   J13-71  Mooseberry
                               J13-08   Wild Blueberry
                                                                   J13-73  Jalapeno Jelly
                               J13-09     Strawberry
                                                                   J13-77  Prickly Pear Jelly
                               J13-10   Boysenberry
                  J13-08                                           J13-85  Fireweed Jelly                   J13-04

                  J13-02                        J13-70                        J13-06                        J13-77
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