Page 76 - The Huckleberry People Catalog 2019
P. 76

G I F T   R E A D Y   S H I P P E R S

                                             G I F T   R E A D Y   S H I P P E R S

                          Item # SLP-F4-01                                             IItem # SLK-FY-01
         Contains One 4 oz Huckleberry Razzle jam, one 4 oz         Includes one 12 oz Huckleberry Honey,  one 10 oz
         Cherry Razzle jam, one 4 oz Chokecherry  jelly, one 4      Huckleberry  syrup  and  an  Indian  Fry  Bread  mix.
         oz Blackberry jam & one 10 oz Wild Huckleberry syrup.      Price: $11.50.
         Price: $13.95.

                                                                                        Item # SLR-MF-03
                              Item # SLP-PK-01
       Includes one 12 oz Huckleberry Honey,  one 10 oz  Huckleberry  Includes  one  12  oz  Cherry  Honey,    one  10  oz
       Syrup and a Huckleberry Pancake mix.                        Cherry Syrup and a Cherry Muffin mix.
       Also available in Blueberry Flavor. (SLP-PK-08). Price: $12.45.  Also  available  in  Blueberry  Flavor  (SLP-MF-08)
                                                                   and      Huckleberry      Flavor    (SLP-MF-01).
                                                                   Price: $12.45.

                                                                                     Item # SXLG-F3-01

                                                                   Includes one 12 oz Huckleberry Honey,  one 10
                                                                   oz  Huckleberry syrup, a Huckleberry Pancake
                                                                   mix, a Huckleberry Bark, a Huckleberry Candy
                                                                   Bar, one 8 oz Huckleberry Jam, and one 9.6 oz
                                                                   Huckleberry Creamed Honey.
                                                                   Price: $24.75

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