Page 8 - infinitheism e-booklet
P. 8

knowledge  unless  he  develops  himself  in  'Attitudes  and  Skills'.  ASK  -
       Attitude, Skill and Knowledge, provides the competence that’s needed to
       succeed in today’s world. Anything at the cost of the other, does not help
       man to actualise or maximise his potential. So, we go to various mentors,
       coaches,  training  organisation  and  other  specialists  in  these  fields  of
       human dynamics to develop ourselves in attitudes and skills.

       However, ASK provides growth only under favourable circumstances. The

       simple  plain  truth  is  life  is  never  going  to  be  a  series  of  favourable
       circumstances. That's where 'Philosophy' comes in at the next higher level
       of  the  pyramid.  You  begin  to  align  yourself  to  the  thought  processes  of
       those  thinkers,  who  have  lived  their  entire  life  in  contemplation  of  life.
       This is where the Gurus and Swamis come in. We learn from them, as to,
       how to see life. We begin to surrender our ways of thinking to their ways
       of thinking; for they, from a higher consciousness, have an evolved view of

       The  more  and  more  you  align  yourself  to  philosophical  view  of  life,  the
       more and more you start feeling the call of religion. The word religion has
       its Latin roots: Re Ligare, that is, Re (again) Ligare (to reconnect). One of
       the essential purposes of religion was to help you to again reconnect to
       your  origin,  which  is  your  formless  source.  So,  when  you  begin  to  seek
       religion,  you  end  up  seeking  God,  that  formless  source.  You  become  a
       theist. A theist is one who believes in the presence of a higher force, called
       God. Now, the big question is, “Is there anything above God?” Though your
       instinctive whisper must have been, “There can be nothing above God,” but

       there is…
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