Page 15 - Issue 3
P. 15

GRAPPLER  Summer 2019

 Again, the foreigner takes another wave, and then   Whenever I go to a new surf spot, my number one
 another. The pack has noticed. I hear Balinese being   rule is to respect the locals. The same applies when
 spoken. I sit on the outside and watch. Again, it’s a   visiting a gym.
 paddle battle. The foreigner and a local Balinese take
 off on the same wave.   The mat is their piece of the ocean. I don’t “paddle
 out” on the mat and try to challenge every roll as if it’s
 The foreigner is in front and the local is behind.   a gold medal match. This is their house, and I must
 The wave is now cresting, causing a barrel. The local   respect it in order to be accepted into the pack.
 turns hard to the right, diving into the wave; he catches
 the back of the foreigner’s left heel with his arm. The   Or the enforcer will step up.
 foreigner eats shit and tumbles like a rag doll.
 When visiting, I keep it fun. I like to let my new
 ‘Damn...’ is all I remember hearing mumbled.   friends put me in a bad position and try to figure out
 the new puzzle. Usually, the higher-ranking grapplers
 The foreigner’s head pops up like a sea turtle getting   notice my tactic and invite me to go harder with them,
 air. He grabs his board and paddles back out.    and it’s a fun roll from there.

 He and the local exchange words. Then the pack   Visiting  a  new  gym  can  be  intimidating  at  first.
 paddles over. I’m thinking to myself, ‘You picked the   The faces are new, and you don’t know how you’ll be
 wrong battle.’  accepted. Try my outlook and you’ll be fine. Respect the
 locals, and they’ll give you waves.
 After more words and some splashing, the foreigner
 decides enough is enough and paddles back in.

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