Page 10 - January 2025 Newsletter (1)_Neat
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Let’s celebrate the essential

                         contributions of every team member on


            The ART of BEING Human & Professional

             W H E N              W e d .   A p r i l   2 3 ,   2 0 2 5   |   8 A M   -   1 P M

             L O C A T I O N                  Prairie Landing, Culver Community Park

             T I C K E T S             $10 per person for a meaningful experience!

          Join us for a half-day workshop to reconnect with your authentic self, embrace

               balance, and celebrate the importance of each role in your workplace.

            E V E N T   H I G H L I G H T S :                                   You will leave feeling

           Continental Breakfast & Networking Lunch                             rejuvenated, valued,
           Engaging Agenda:                                                     and inspired to bring

                      B -
                             Balance of Body and Mind                               greater joy and
                      E -
                             Embrace Joy                                           presence to your
                       I -
                             Inner Essence                                         professional and
                      N -
                             Nurture Authenticity
                             Grounding in Presence                                   personal lives!
                      G -

                                RSVP:      Email

                                        Michelle Vande Hey with
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