Page 75 - The Five Forces of Everything
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With global health narratives making heroes out of ingredients, Brazil’s
indigenous produce could power a wealth of new product ideas.
MMR’s Andrew Wardlaw investigated.
During a recent business trip to Brazil, I was searching for the word that
summed up the natural bounty of this colourful nation. I arrived at the
word ‘potent’. Many of the indigenous fruits and herbs are bursting with
efficacy and could easily support the next wave of products aimed at
those eager to unearth the next superfood secret. Here are three of the
most promising.
Açaí. Massive potential.
The açaí berry is not new news. It has steadily increased its reach around
the world, offering high levels of anti-oxidants, vitamin C, fiber and good
fats (Omega-3, 6 & 9). Science indicates that the berries can address
inflammation and support immunity and circulation. More than this,
research by the Federal University of Santa Maria in Brazil indicates that
açaí berries could represent a powerful force against prostate cancer.
Not that any of this mattered when I was lucky enough to try the amazing
Açaí Berry Bowl. With the alluring taste, texture and coolness of ice
cream, this absolute treat was fat free, cholesterol free, sugar free and
vegan. And with all these benefits, I was left wondering how something so
delicious could be so good for me. Had I in fact stumbled upon the answer
to all of mankind’s problems?
There’s always a glitch of course, and in this case, it is about supply – an
ethical supply that can be processed in superfast time in order to preserve
the potency of these wonderful purple gems. This is being addressed and
as such, I feel that we’ll be seeing more of the açaí berry, and the glorious
berry bowls.
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