Page 20 - Employee Handbook - South Africa
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Mat's been at MMR for over ten years, where he was instrumental in the
Mat Lintern development of our online operation in the early days, before assuming
control of the Global business. He's responsible for setting strategic
Global CEO direction, monitoring initiatives and driving innovation and business
development in all of our locations across the globe. Though this all keeps
him very busy, he inexplicably still finds time to get involved in people's
day-to-day tasks and offer constructive advice.
An impressive career spanning media, branding, advertising and NPD
Judith Henderson research made Judith a natural choice to head up our European offering,
Managing Director where she manages the ever growing teams to assist clients in optimizing
concepts, packs and products across the innovation cycle and post-launch.
EMEA Judith is primarily based in our London office, but visits the Barns HQ
regularly to help with any new developments and to ensure the teams are
working to their full potential.
Since arriving at MMR some years ago, Ian has driven the development and
Ian Horritt application of our qualitative offering. His passion for bringing consumers
Managing Director into the room has fuelled the success of our proprietary EROS methodology
and the implementation of a number of initiatives to enrich delivery of
AMER consumer insight. He's taken that passion to New York where he now heads
up the growing team in Manhattan.
As Global Head of Qual, Guy is always on the case to truly understand what
Guy Maxwell drives consumer behaviours and reactions to different products or
Global Head of concepts. With Guy around, these sessions are guaranteed good fun for all;
Note his mantra: ‘laughter promotes a relaxed atmosphere’, which leads to
Qualitative Research greater honesty and therefore deeper insight - there's science behind his
Mark has been with MMR for more years than he cares to remember.
Mark Sismey Instrumental in the development of MMR's online division, he pioneered
online qualitative research within the group as well as heading
Managing Director up innovation in new tools and techniques for the UK team. These days he
APAC heads up the research team in Shanghai, devising methodologies and
recommending approaches to resolve the complex challenges faced by
brands in Asia.
Simon Williams Simon is passionate about working closely with clients to build successful
products and brands, and leads an excellent team of researchers who share
Global Account the same passion. More recently Simon has taken the lead in developing
Director MMR’s technological capabilities including some exciting smartphone
Further to completing a PhD in Food Science at Reading University, Louisa
joined MMR as a Research Executive and progressed through the career
Louisa Griffiths ladder to a Research Director, before focusing more on the people side of
Global HR Director the business. You won’t find anybody more passionate about MMR than
Louisa. She is constantly on the look out for opportunities to help
employees develop new skills and creates a fun and relaxed atmosphere
for everyone to work in