Page 60 - 2019 CXC Annual Report Flipbook
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            World Class Exams – Shining Stars

            Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE )
            Outstanding Performance

            CXC Awards Regional Top Performers in CAPE          Kameika Robinson of The Queen’s High School, Jamaica,
            The  dedicated  efforts  of  students  across  the  region  have   excelled  in  the  field  of  Humanities  and  will  receive  the
            produced a diverse list of Regional Top Awardees who have   Most Outstanding Candidate Award, sponsored by Hodder
            been recognised for their outstanding performances in the   Education.  Kameika achieved Grade I in  Caribbean Studies,
            Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC®) Caribbean Advanced   Communication Studies, History Unit 1 and 2, Law Unit 1 and 2,
            Proficiency Examination (CAPE®) 2019 May-June sitting.   and Sociology Unit 1 and 2.
            The announcement was made at the meeting of the Sub-
            Committee of the School Examinations Committee (SUBSEC)   Students from Trinidad rounded out the top awards with
            held on Wednesday 16 October 2019 at CXC Headquarters in   achievements for Business Studies and Language Studies.
                                                                Teddy-Ann Quamina of Arima Central Secondary School will
            This year, Michael Bhopaul from Queen’s College in Guyana,   receive the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants
            secured the annual Dennis Irvine Award, for the top overall   (ACCA)  Business Studies award  for achieving  Grade I in  a
            student at the CAPE level. Michael achieved Grade I in all   variety of business subjects, inclusive of Accounting Unit 1
            16 units which he wrote this year. These subjects included:   and 2, Economics Unit 1 and 2, Entrepreneurship Unit 1 and 2
            Applied Mathematics Unit 1 and 2, Biology Unit 1 and 2,   and Management of Business Unit 1 and 2. She also achieved
            Caribbean Studies, Chemistry Unit 1 and 2, Communication   Grade I in Caribbean Studies and Communication Studies.
            Studies, French Unit 1 and 2, Integrated Mathematics, Physics
            Unit 1 and 2, Pure Mathematics Unit 1 and 2 and Spanish Unit 1.   Rayne Affonso of the St Augustine Girls’ High School earned
            This is the third time a Queen’s College student has taken the   herself the Most Outstanding Candidate award for Language
            award. Just last year, Aadilah Ali achieved Grade 1 in 14 CAPE   Studies with a mastery of modern languages. She achieved
            units and Grade II in one other.                    Grade I in Caribbean Studies, Communication Studies, French
                                                                Unit 1 and 2, Literatures in English Unit 1 and 2 and Spanish
            In addition to copping the top overall award, Michael received   Unit 1 and 2.
            the RM Results-sponsored award for Most Outstanding
            Candidate in Mathematics and the top award for Natural   Outstanding students were invited to Grenada, where they
            Sciences.                                           received  their awards during the  Regional Top Awards
                                                                Ceremony  on  5  December  2019.  Queen’s  College,  Guyana
                                                                received the award for CAPE School of the Year 2019.

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