Page 30 - SBA Handbook 2020 - FINAL
P. 30
Practical Work and Experimental Skills (Science)
Practical activities are an integral part of any science. Students doing the sciences are
expected to master certain practical skills laid out in the syllabuses. Each must be assessed on
a regular basis for submission to the CXC®. Students must be given practice in acquiring these
skills before they are formally assessed. Setting up, monitoring and marking of practicals take
time and effort. However, the actual practical sessions can be very exciting for both the
teacher and the student.
Role of the Teacher
The teacher should facilitate students’ learning of accurate and unbiased information that will
contribute to a more scientifically literate society that is capable of making educated and
ethical decisions regarding the world in which we live.
Safety and General Procedures
Before the lab:
1. Check equipment to ensure that they are not damaged or leaking.
2. Have a first aid kit handy and a fire extinguisher.
3. Familiarize students with emergency procedures.