Page 3 - Pupils' Handbook Updated
P. 3

Table of Contents                                                      i
Introduction                                                           ii
Your Guide through this Handbook                                       1
Part A: Introducing the CPEA™                                          1

What is the CPEA™?                                                    2
Why the CPEA™?                                                        2
Part B: Assessment Model for the CPEA™                                3

How will I be assessed in the CPEA™?                                  4
What are the kinds of activities that will be included in the CPEA™?  4
Will the curriculum change for the CPEA™?                             4
Part C: Preparing for the CPEA™                                       6
How do I prepare for the CPEA™?                                       8
I can start by thinking about the following questions.                8
What can I do to ensure that I succeed?
Taking Control of My Success                                           11
Analysing My Test Performance                                         12
What kind of learner am I? How do I learn best?                       13
Assessing your learning style                                         14
Part D: Strategies for Learning

How do I record what I have learned?
Recording what I have learned
Working and Sharing
Working with my Classmates
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