Page 8 - Invisible Me
P. 8

Invisible Me

         I could tell she was very    frightened as she asked,

         who is there. I then put on her television.

         Her face grew pink with fear as she picked up the
         phone and dialed. With a grin on my face, I closed

         the door and headed for home.

         By  the  time  I  got  home,  the  police  were  at  my

         house and  searching  through  my  room.  My mom

         had  called  them  and  they  thought  I  was  missing.

         My  dad,  who  had  returned  home,  sat  beside  my

         mom looking stressed out as my mom cried in fear.
         “There is no way I could tell them.” I said to myself.

         “No one would even believe me”.

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