Page 6 - Last Day on Earth
P. 6

The Last Day on Earth

          find a nuclear missile bunker at the highest point

          of Grenada quickly.

          Shawn immediately told his parents and his two

          older  siblings.  They  all  began  to  pack  all  they

          needed  into  their  family  vehicle  and  dashed
          inside the vehicle to go to a shelter.

          As they were on their way, Shawn's older brother

          said  he  had  forgotten  the  gas  masks,  and  they

          had to go back for them. So, Shawn's dad turned

          the  vehicle  around  and  headed  back  to  the

          After a few minutes, Shawn and his family safely

          made it to the bunker at Grand Etang, where they

          met  hundreds  of  people  and  decided  to  greet


          While they were greeting them, they all heard a

          rumbling  and  felt  the  sensation.    The  Prime

          Minister announced on a speaker that the nuclear

          missile  had been  launched and  everyone should

          prepare for impact. Shawn was terrified! He was

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