Page 14 - SBA Treatment Handbook for Students Updated - 16December 2020
P. 14

CSEC® SUBJECT            SBA                     ADMINISTRATION DECISION

                 MUSIC (cont’d)         o THREE   from
                                          the  remaining
                                          under PERF.

                 OFFICE              Project  based  on  No adjustments necessary. Candidates should be able to
                 ADMINISTRATION      an    investigation  complete tasks using available technology.
                                     into a real or virtual

                 PHYSICAL                                Paper 3 SBA Sport Options
                 EDUCATION &                             Candidates  should  complete  TWO  sporting  options.
                 SPORT                                   (Teacher to provide further guidance)

                 PHYSICS                                 The number of practical assignments to be reduced to
                 PORTUGUESE                              NO SCHOOL-BASED ASSESSMENT

                                     Note: Removal of the Situation Responses from Oral Examination as done for
                                     July/August 2020 examinations.

                 PRINCIPLES OF       Research Project     No adjustments necessary. Candidates should be able
                 ACCOUNTS                                 to complete tasks using available technology.
                 PRINCIPLES OF       Research Project     No adjustments necessary. Candidates should be able
                 BUSINESS                                 to complete tasks using available technology.
                 RELIGIOUS           Research Paper       No adjustments necessary. Candidates should be able
                 EDUCATION                                to complete tasks using available technology.
                 SOCIAL STUDIES      Research Project     No adjustments necessary. Candidates should be able
                                                          to complete tasks using available technology.
                 SPANISH                                 NO SCHOOL BASED ASSESSMENT
                                     Note: Removal of the Situation Responses from Oral Examination as done for
                                     July/August 2020 examinations.

                 TECHNICAL           Drawing Portfolio   OPTION 1
                 DRAWING             •  ONE piece from  SBA requirements will remain the same with the focus on
                                         Section      1  assessment pieces using CAD with face-to-face or online
                                         (Specific       Moderation.
                                         Objectives  1  to
                                         10).            OPTION 2
                                         This is a written  Traditional  drawing  for  those  without  access  to
                                         question.       technology.
                                     •  TWO      pieces
                                         from  Section  2  Candidates will be assessed in the same mode as the
                                         (Plane          teaching and learning.

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