Page 12 - Honesty is the Best Policy
P. 12

Honesty is the Best Policy

          “Okay mom, I’ll tell you all about it” said Vanessa,

          and she did.

          When  Vanessa  told  her  parents  what  she  had

          done,  her  parents  mouths  were  opened  wide,

          shocked at Vanessa’s story.

          Five  minutes  later  her  dad  spoke  up.  “Vanessa,

          don’t you know that’s stealing.”

          “I know dad, but seeing all this money in the road

          with no owner, I couldn’t resist it.”

          “Now Vanessa, you know God doesn’t like to see

          his  people  steal  and  one  of  the  commandments

          that  he  gave  is  thou  shalt  not  steal,  so  why  did

          you disobey him?”

          “I am sorry dad I will ask him to forgive me” said

          Vanessa sadly.

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