Page 6 - Honesty is the Best Policy
P. 6

Honesty is the Best Policy

          While the Andersons were thinking, Vanessa was

          upstairs  on  her  bed  counting  the  money  she

          When she was finished counting the money she

          was amazed to find $15, 000.

          Vanessa yelled so loudly that she was afraid she

          woke her baby sister.

          Still looking at the wallet where the money was,

          Vanessa saw an I.D card. She pulled it out and the
          name read Dave Scott.

          Vanessa  took  the  I.D  card  with  the  wallet  and

          threw it in her waste bin.

          Suddenly her eyes caught the time on her digital

          clock.  She  was  so  overjoyed  she  found  all  that

          money  that  she  forgot  she  had  to  go  to  after-

          school lessons.

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