Page 4 - The Harvey's Survival Against Hurricane Imma
P. 4

The Harvey’s Survival Against Hurricane Imma
            t was a calm Wednesday morning; the skies were

          as  blue  as  the  sea  in  the  beautiful  Island  of

          Middle Caicos. There was a beautiful family of 5
          which  consisted  of  a  father  named  Peter,  a

          mother named Mary, two sons, Billy and Jack, as

          well as a daughter, Pinky. These persons all made

          up  the  Harveys  family.  They  were  always  tuning

          into  the  news  when they  heard  that  a  hurricane
          was  about  to  hit.    Like  the  other  islanders,  the

          Harveys  began  their  frantic  preparation  for  the

          hurricane.  Mary  began  preparing  meals,  she

          baked  Johnny  cakes,  flour  bread,  banana  bread

          and fried cakes.

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