Page 8 - Peter's Special Soup
P. 8

Peter’s Special Soup

          The  next  morning,  he  warmed  the  special  soup,

          poured  it  into  his  lunch  bowl,  placed  it  in  his
          lunch bag and set out for the forest. When he got

          to work, he tied his lunch bag on the usual tree

          and went about his business, of chopping trees.

          Lunch time came and Peter felt very hungry. His

          stomach  began  to  growl,  but  he  knew  he  could
          not  eat  that  special  soup.  The  soup  was  for  his

          co-workers, so he went deeper into the forest, to

          find  some  mangoes  and  cashews  for  his  lunch.

          He would have to be satisfied with a fruity lunch.

          He  stayed  away  from  Sam,  Jack  and  Tommy
          longer than usual. Sure enough, they had feasted

          on that special soup.

          When Peter got back to his co-workers, they were

          almost  finished  eating  the  special  soup.  Tommy

          still  had  a  piece  of  meat  in  his  hand,  he  was
          enjoying  it.  In fact,  they were  boasting,  that was

          the best soup they have ever eaten.

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