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that the candidate for the position would be employed part-time for two months.

                   The candidate chosen for the position was William Buchan.   787   Buchan had worked

                   previously as a public relations consultant and was the brother of Lord

                   Tweedamuir.   788   The third was the Bahraini Government’s choice of selecting JW

                   Cummins to review the Administration’s work and departments.  Cummins had

                   previously reviewed the work of the Qatari Government.  He was due to arrive in

                   Bahrain later in 1956. 789

                          For its part, in August, the NUC sent a new batch of students to further their

                   studies in Egypt.  The Egyptians awarded about thirteen Bahraini students

                   scholarships. 790   According to Belgrave, the families of those who were sent to Egypt

                   complained to him later that, although their children received free education there

                   and their travel fares were covered by the NUC, they were not assisted financially

                   with monthly or daily allowances.  791

                          The Suez Canal Conference concluded in London on 23 August with the

                   agreement of eighteen participating states (out of the original twenty-two) to send a

                   delegation in September to meet with Nasser.  The delegation was to be headed by

                   the Prime Minister of Australia, Robert Menzies. 792   The Conference also concluded

                   with a proposal to establish an international authority for the Canal.  The authority

                   would run the Canal’s operations, ensure the passage of ships through the Canal in

                   787  TNA, FO 371/120556, Burrows to FO, 24 August 1956.
                   788  TNA, FO 371/120556, G.C. Moberly, at FO to Residency, 26 October 1956.
                   789  TNA, FO 371/120549, Gault to Burrows, 31 August 1956.
                   790  ‘Bernard Burrows, Residency’s Monthly Diary: August 1956’, in Political Diaries of the Persian Gulf,
                   vol. 20 1955-1958, ed. R.L. Jarman (London: 1990), 1-7 (2).
                   791  Belgrave, Personal Column, 228.
                   792  ‘Suez Committee Makes the First Move: Mr. Menzies’s Call on the Egyptian Ambassador’, The
                   Times, 25 August 1956, 6; see also The Eden-Eisenhower Correspondence, 1955-1957, Boyle, ‘The Suez
                   Crisis and Eden’s Resignation’, 149-53 (150).

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