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III. Secondary Sources
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H. Abdulla, Bahrain’s English Newspapers an Illustrated History (Manama: 2014).
____________, Charles Belgrave fi Thilal Wahat Siwa [Charles Belgrave in the Shades of
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M. Abdulla, Nakhat Al-Ma’thi [A Taste from the Past] (Manama: 1996).
M.A. Abdulla and B. Zainalabedin, Tarikh Al-Bahrain Al-Hadeeth 1500-2002 [Modern
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E.K. Al-Aubaidi, Al-Harakah Al-Wataniya fi Al-Bahrain 1914-1971 [National
Movements in Bahrain 1914-1971] (London: 2004).
T. Al-Baharna, Nadi Al-Urubah WA Sitoon A’man fi Khidmat Al-Thaqafah wa Al-
Mujtama’a 1939-1999 [Al-Aruba Club, Sixty Years of Intellectual and Social Services
1939-1999] (Manama: 1999).
K. Al-Bassam, Hikayat min Al-Bahrain [Stories from Bahrain] (Beirut: 2001).
_______________, Kuluna Fedak… Al-Bahrain wa Al-Qathiya Al-Filistinya 1917-1948 [We
sacrifice our souls to you… Bahrain and the Palestinian Cause 1917-1948 (London:
M.A. Al-Eid, Ghay’th min Fay’th Al-Ayam [A Tip from Plentiful Days] (Manama: 2014).
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