Page 31 - DILMUN 9
P. 31
file Society's
Paddy Simpson, Exhibition Designer
In November 1975 Bahrain Historical and occasion. Anne Horn fray designed the poster
Archaeological Society mounted an Exhibition and was responsible for publicity. The T. V.,
of Bahrain’s Historical Culture and Heritage at Radio and Press coverage we received ensured a
Manama Boys’ School, Commercial Section. steady flow of visitors during the subsequent
four public days.
We were honoured by the attendance of
H.E. Shaikh Hamcd bin Isa Al-Kbalifa, the Heir Due to the kind co-operation of the School
Apparent, at the opening ceremony, which was Staff we were able to use the Hall for the main
performed, not with the usual gold scissors, but part of the Exhibition, a lecture room for a
by a sword slashing a red ribbon (a brilliant idea programme of film shows organized by John
of our President Khalid Zayani). Government Homfray and the courtyard illuminated by
Ministers, Mr. Geoffrey Bibby, representatives Hassan Tarradch, for traditional crafts and
of the educational profession, bankers, business music. A village group of folk dancers and
men and Society members who had contributed musicians, by arrangement with the Ministry of
to the Exhibition were present on this colourful Information, played each afternoon and the
Photographs by Mr. Chris Maier